High Season Spot 2011
This it's possible focuses on the audience and man's atavistic need for catharsis, emphasizing the long list of facial and body expressions that any audience makes unconsciously and mechanically. A fascinating visual experience where we will all see ourselves reflected.
speak of'a primary need of man now and in the past, which has always moved him to make theater inside prehistoric caves, later in the theaters of Greece and up to the present day.
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A nose that wrinkles, eyes that don't want to look, teeth that break a nail, a tear that we want to hide or a laugh so natural and childish that it's not afraid to show a precarious set of teeth...
Artistic team
A short film by
Salvador Sunyer
High Season Spot 2011
This it's possible focuses on the audience and man's atavistic need for catharsis, emphasizing the long list of facial and body expressions that any audience makes unconsciously and mechanically. A fascinating visual experience where we will all see ourselves reflected.
speak of'a primary need of man now and in the past, which has always moved him to make theater inside prehistoric caves, later in the theaters of Greece and up to the present day.
Access by professionals
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the fire
In an ideal setting, the theater is a place of collective reflection where anyone can be, one of the last spaces of freedom we have left.
If there is freedom in the theater, it should also exist in its advertising. And the most free advertising would be the one capable of questioning its own product and consumer.
The theater is only the flame, but it is the audience that must stir it.
And now what?
And now... And now... And now... And now what? What! Now… Now… Now…
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High Season Spot 2012
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A Spanish Odyssey
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The other animal that can do this is, without a doubt, man.
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Tragedy, the song of the goat
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A theater festival is like a melon: you have to open it to know how it is.
As a fruit, the melon has many virtues (against depression, for example) and is used in different cures. Apart from being a fruit, however, it has several symbolisms that can give rise to many, sometimes suggestive, interpretations.
Purgatory is a free interpretation of Purgatory. vrather than being like a mythological story about redemption. A cry in favor of the purge. A necessary purge to start over again, having learned from mistakes and pointing out culture as a powerful elevator capable of making the human soul soar.
The Pleasure Island
A dangerous idea has taken hold: Culture is only for entertainment. It's a luxury. Because from the outside this place looks like a sunny amusement park? Maybe we sold ourselves badly and cheaply. Can we change it or is it useless? It is urgent to point the gun at us. If we consider culture as pure entertainment we will be Pinocchio on the island of pleasure. Playing, sleeping and laughing as we turn into donkeys that no longer serve only to carry stones.
Spot Temporada Alta 2010
The latent voice
(first movement)
An actress, Raquel Ferri, gives birth. And an actress, Raquel Ferri, plays the night and day during which she gave birth.
Dreams can also be a matter of life or death. In this dream, the actress multiplies into different women, and prepares to give birth. And in some moment (from the past or the future) he relives the desires, the fears, the hopes, the friction of the bodies in transformation.
At the decisive moment of childbirth, real life and acting embrace and look into each other's eyes, just as it always does in our lives.