#3 The far right scene

The rise of the extreme right is a global phenomenon. On the European continent, it is being demonstrated with attacks on various groups by their violent factions, to electoral results that have even led to the presidency of the ultra parties of countries with so much weight in the European Union like Italy How is this reality transferred to theatrical settings? How should we respond from the current creation? How is democracy preserved? Is the anti-fascist position something for all democrats? We talk about it in this episode that aims to overcome hate speech.

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Third episode of the High Season Podcast by Jofre Font and with the participation of Mercè Aránega, Miquel Gorriz, Christine Jatahy, Miquel Ramos and Pau Miró.

A production of

Jofre Source, Neus Molina, Moral Gem, Xavi Pardo, Oriol Puig Taulé and Laura Serra

#3 The far right scene

The rise of the extreme right is a global phenomenon. On the European continent, it is being demonstrated with attacks on various groups by their violent factions, to electoral results that have even led to the presidency of the ultra parties of countries with so much weight in the European Union like Italy How is this reality transferred to theatrical settings? How should we respond from the current creation? How is democracy preserved? Is the anti-fascist position something for all democrats? We talk about it in this episode that aims to overcome hate speech.

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