A Spanish Odyssey

Progress is what has made us so different after a few thousand years and has transformed the world so much. Other species are practically the same now as they were thousands of years ago. An example of this is the scorpion, which is also one of the few animals capable of killing itself (or so they say). 

The other animal that can do this is, without a doubt, man.

In the desert, the monkey becomes human because he can quench his thirst with the salvific drop that the bottle still contains, or is it precisely because he is already beginning to be (human) that he goes to the bottle, knowing that it does not contain only liquid that will calm him but the essence of what will be permanence and reflection, ie pain?

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Where are we going? The idea is that you always have to get better, to progress, but, for some time now, it seems that we are not being very faithful to this idea.

Artistic team

A short film by
Salvador Sunyer

Jordi Vilches


A Spanish Odyssey

Progress is what has made us so different after a few thousand years and has transformed the world so much. Other species are practically the same now as they were thousands of years ago. An example of this is the scorpion, which is also one of the few animals capable of killing itself (or so they say). 

The other animal that can do this is, without a doubt, man.

In the desert, the monkey becomes human because he can quench his thirst with the salvific drop that the bottle still contains, or is it precisely because he is already beginning to be (human) that he goes to the bottle, knowing that it does not contain only liquid that will calm him but the essence of what will be permanence and reflection, ie pain?

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