#5 The classics: reinvent yourself or get bored

Classic texts are part of our tradition and are never missing from festival and theater programs. Now, in the middle of the 21st century, perhaps the time has come to consider how we read and represent them. What do we make of their misogynistic, racist, LGBTI-phobic, classist and more messages, a product of the times and contexts in which they were written and, above all, how do we offer them to new generations, both in theaters and classrooms ? We talk about adaptations, revisions and subversions, always with a feminist perspective and a bit of punk.

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Fifth episode of the Temporada Alta Podcast by Neus Molina and Gema Moraleda and with the participation of Marta Aran, Sergi Belbel, Joan Molina and Carla Rovira.

A production of

Jofre Source, Neus Molina, Moral Gem, Xavi Pardo, Oriol Puig Taulé and Laura Serra

#5 The classics: reinvent yourself or get bored

Classic texts are part of our tradition and are never missing from festival and theater programs. Now, in the middle of the 21st century, perhaps the time has come to consider how we read and represent them. What do we make of their misogynistic, racist, LGBTI-phobic, classist and more messages, a product of the times and contexts in which they were written and, above all, how do we offer them to new generations, both in theaters and classrooms ? We talk about adaptations, revisions and subversions, always with a feminist perspective and a bit of punk.

Access by professionals


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